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Mailgun vs SendGrid: A Comprehensive Comparison


In today’s digital age, email remains one of the most effective and widely used communication channels. Businesses of all sizes rely on transactional emails to deliver important information and engage with their customers. Two popular platforms that offer robust email delivery services are Mailgun and SendGrid. In this article, we will conduct a thorough comparison of these platforms, evaluating their features, pricing, deliverability, marketing capabilities, tracking, integrations, and customer support. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of which platform is best suited for your business needs.

Overview of Mailgun and SendGrid

Both Mailgun and SendGrid are renowned players in the email delivery space, catering to the needs of developers and businesses alike. Let’s take a closer look at each platform:


Mailgun positions itself as “The Email Service for Developers,” offering powerful APIs for seamless email delivery, tracking, and management. With a 99.99% uptime SLA, Mailgun serves over 225,000 businesses and provides a range of features, including email marketing with Mailjet, email validation, burst sending, and inbox placement prediction.


SendGrid is not only a leading transactional email tool but also offers email marketing features such as design templates and sign-up forms. With over 80,000 paying customers, SendGrid has established itself as a trusted platform for sending billions of emails every month. In 2018, SendGrid was acquired by the communications platform Twilio, further solidifying its position in the market.

Feature Comparison


Deliverability is a critical factor when choosing an email delivery service. Both Mailgun and SendGrid prioritize high deliverability rates, ensuring that your emails reach the intended recipients’ inboxes and avoid being marked as spam. Let’s examine how each platform excels in this aspect:

SendGrid Deliverability

SendGrid has been a frontrunner in transactional email since its inception in 2009. The company prides itself on its deliverability, scalability, and expertise in email management. Customers utilizing SendGrid’s Expert Services experience an average delivery rate of 97%, surpassing the industry average of 85%. SendGrid implements advanced authentication measures, including SPF and DKIM, to prevent phishing and spoofing. Their Adaptive Communications Engine (ACE), powered by AI, enhances deliverability by adapting to changing ISP rules.

Mailgun Deliverability

Mailgun offers a managed deliverability service, ensuring optimal API support, IP and domain reputation management, and proactive monitoring of your email program. According to Mailgun, their average delivery rate stands at an impressive 97.4%, surpassing SendGrid’s rate. Additionally, Mailgun boasts an average bounce rate of 0.42%, well below the industry average of 2%. Their commitment to deliverability helps maintain a positive sender reputation and ensures your emails reach the intended recipients.

Marketing Emails

While transactional emails are essential for most businesses, marketing emails play a crucial role in engaging customers and driving conversions. Let’s explore the marketing capabilities of Mailgun and SendGrid:

SendGrid for Marketing Emails

SendGrid offers a dedicated product for marketing campaigns, providing comprehensive features tailored to marketers’ needs. Their platform includes email automation, signup forms, email testing, design templates, and email statistics. SendGrid strikes a balance between user-friendliness and complexity, making it an ideal choice for marketing teams. Their template creation tool allows marketers to build personalized emails from scratch or leverage existing templates, empowering them to create impactful campaigns.

Mailgun for Marketing Emails

Although Mailgun primarily caters to developers, they have expanded their offering to include Mailjet, a dedicated email marketing feature. Mailgun users can create email templates, automate campaigns, and monitor their email marketing efforts. While Mailgun’s marketing capabilities are not as extensive as SendGrid’s, their focus on deliverability ensures that your marketing emails reach the intended recipients’ inboxes.


Tracking the performance of your emails is crucial for analyzing their effectiveness and optimizing future campaigns. Let’s delve into the tracking capabilities of Mailgun and SendGrid:

SendGrid Tracking

SendGrid offers robust tracking features, empowering users to gain valuable insights into email metrics and audience behavior. Their customizable dashboards provide real-time data, while data exports enable more in-depth analysis. With SendGrid’s tracking, you can monitor metrics such as accepted, dropped, incoming, delivered, and suppressed emails, allowing you to make data-driven decisions and improve your email campaigns.

Mailgun Tracking

Mailgun understands the importance of reporting and provides in-depth, real-time data insights. Their reporting dashboard allows you to compare metrics for accepted, dropped, incoming, delivered, and suppressed emails. With easy segmentation and drill-down capabilities, Mailgun’s tracking feature enables you to track what’s working and leverage your data to send personalized and relevant emails.


Seamless integration with other tools and platforms is vital for maximizing the potential of your email delivery service. Let’s explore the integrations offered by Mailgun and SendGrid:

SendGrid Integrations

SendGrid boasts a wide range of integrations available in their marketplace. Partners such as Simon and Ongage enhance data management and provide advanced front-end solutions for email operations. These integrations empower users to streamline their email workflows and leverage additional functionalities to optimize their email delivery processes.

Mailgun Integrations

While Mailgun has a more limited number of integrations compared to SendGrid, they have strong partnerships with platforms like and Omnisend. These integrations enable automated customer messaging and ecommerce workflows, respectively. Although the number of integrations may be fewer, Mailgun’s focus on core functionalities ensures a seamless and efficient email delivery experience.

Customer Support

Reliable customer support is essential when dealing with any service, and email delivery is no exception. Let’s compare the customer support offerings of Mailgun and SendGrid:

SendGrid Support

SendGrid offers comprehensive customer support at various price points. With free plans, users have access to ticket support. The Basic plan ($15/month) adds chat support, while the Advanced plan ($60/month) provides phone support. SendGrid’s support structure ensures that users receive the assistance they need, regardless of their subscription level.

Mailgun Support

Mailgun offers different levels of support based on the pricing plan chosen. Pay As You Grow plans provide limited 24/7 ticket support. The Growth plan ($80/month) adds instant chat support, while the Scale plan ($90/month) includes live phone support. Mailgun’s support options cater to the needs of businesses at different stages, ensuring that users receive prompt assistance whenever required.

Pricing Comparison

Mailgun Pricing

Mailgun offers four pricing plans, allowing users to choose the option that best aligns with their email delivery needs. The plans are as follows:

  • Flex (or Pay As You Grow)
  • Foundation: starting at $35/month for 50,000 emails
  • Growth: starting at $80/month for 100,000 emails
  • Scale: starting at $90/month for 100,000 emails

SendGrid Pricing

SendGrid’s pricing structure differs based on whether users require an Email API plan or a Marketing Campaigns plan. The Marketing Campaigns product enables the design and sending of email marketing campaigns, while the Email API plan focuses on integrating email into applications or websites.

When to Choose Mailgun or SendGrid

Choosing Mailgun

Mailgun is an excellent choice for users who prioritize ease of use, spam reduction, and cost-effective solutions. With their user-friendly API documentation and positive user reviews, Mailgun is an attractive option for developers looking for seamless integration. Additionally, Mailgun’s email validation service reduces bounces and improves overall deliverability, making it suitable for businesses that want to ensure the accuracy of their email lists. Lastly, Mailgun’s Pay As You Grow plan offers flexibility for small businesses that are just starting to send transactional emails.

Choosing SendGrid

SendGrid is the preferred option for users seeking more complexity, integration with marketing features, and scalability. Developers can take advantage of SendGrid’s robust APIs and extensive open-source libraries, allowing for customization and integration in multiple programming languages. Marketers benefit from SendGrid’s comprehensive marketing capabilities, making it easier to create and send engaging email campaigns. SendGrid’s popularity among larger enterprises further solidifies its position as a scalable solution for high-volume email sending.


In conclusion, both Mailgun and SendGrid offer robust email delivery services, each with its own strengths and unique features. When selecting between the two, consider your specific business needs, such as ease of use, marketing capabilities, scalability, and support. By weighing these factors and conducting a thorough evaluation, you can determine whether Mailgun or SendGrid is the right choice for your business.

Mailgun vs SendGrid: A Comprehensive Comparison

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